Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Last night was the final session of my Charcoal Wash drawing class with Bill Lundquist. It was a short class, only 5 sessions. The school that held the course is not an accredited institution (thankfully) so the classes are structured differently from typical university semesters. The school is really just a place to learn the craft of art, not a place to pick up a degree. The benefit of this is no tests, no grades, and VERY small classes. My class had only 5 people, including me, in it. I learned a great deal in a short period of time. As a result of how incredible the course is, I've decided to attend another class in January that Bill teaches.

This drawing is of our live model, Tiffany. She was a really nice person who has modeled for fashion for 10 years and has modeled for 5 years for fine art. This drawing took about 2 hours from start to finish. I was sincerely pleased with it, as I definitely captured her likeness. She seemed to like it as well, as she complimented me on it. Drawing a person with a darker complexion is an interesting challenge, as it requires you to work within a very small value scale. Subtle value shifts and appropriate darks are key.

As of right now I'm working on a few other charcoal portraits that may or may not end up here. The other post I'm working on is a post about my new website and identity, where I'll be describing my process for developing my new logo. Look for that in the next week or so. In the meantime, I'll be sketching and updating this blog as much as I can. A few new things are happening for me and I'm working on juggling it all with balance.

Happy Sketching!


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