I've been extremely sick this week. It came upon me very suddenly Friday and zapped me of my energy. As a result I missed my Monday night class. Bill is an older gentleman, so when I still felt so terrible, I thought it would be better of me not to bring it along with me. Sadly I missed our first session with a live model, so I decided to draw another sketch with the aid of a photograph. This one took about 2.5 hours as well and was a lot of fun to do. I tried to imagine having Bill looking over my shoulder saying "bring the nose in a bit... the eye's not right." His ability to spot inaccuracies is incredible. What is so wonderful about his feedback is that it's already improved my eye as well. On this drawing I was able to spot inaccuracies with much more confidence than ever before. He's also helping me to spot the lighting and structure of the head with greater accuracy. Over all I'm pleased with the likeness, but I need to make another pass with the blending stump and soften some of the edges. If I like what happens, I'll update this post with the refined drawing. (updated: the drawing has been blended with a stump to smooth out the values of the original.)
Let me know what you think!
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