Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Steel Wood Chair by the Bouroullec brothers

The sketch of the day for Monday was the Steel Wood Chair by the Bouroullec brothers. It was featured in their interview for the documentary "Objectified." Which I'm sure most of anyone who comes to my blog has seen. It's interesting to sketch this chair after watching that interview because they spoke of harmony and "solidity" in the design. There's a saying in the art world, which unfortunately has not carried into the design sketching world, that goes " Drawing teaches you to really see." In this case, drawing this chair made me realize how refined and complex this seemingly simple chair is. The arms gracefully flow into the back rest while the fillet on the arm rests blends into the fillet of the back. The complexity of this design also comes through in the stepped in surface of the metal which allows the wooden legs to be attached and flow with the rest of the design. All in all what strucks me as utterly fantastic about this chair is the it feels like something out of the American Puritan era at first glance, but in the details it feels completely modern and fresh. Unassuming, solid, and elegantly refined. These guys know what they are doing.

See you later today! (I owe you a sketch a day today, remember?) ;)

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